As was announced in our Telegram group, today is the day we declare Buzzbookmarks live! Of Course there is still a lot of work to do filling it up adding some finishing touches, but it is operational and fully functional.
Later today you will be seeing the very first review added to the site, which will be the first of many to come and yesterday and the day before that you could already read the first articles on building wealth in crypto without spending any money at all.
Over the next days you will be seeing more and more sources being added, as well as more reviews and articles.
What is still to come
If you thought providing resources and information on how to safely build up wealth in crypto would be all we will be doing here, you would be underestimating us. Besides informing the masses we also will be putting our money where our mouth is and show you. As soon as Buzzbookmarks will come out of Beta mode we will be adding what we call a crypto journal.
We will be starting from scratch and build up a fortune in crypto using the sources on the website and will provide a daily report with the details on how we did that day, and the details on how we did it. That way readers can simply follow our lead. We feel the best way to learn this and also to prove that really anyone can do this is by doing it ourselves, therefore leading by example because practise is the best teacher.
The last couple of years we have been doing this already, but there is a difference between having done it and telling people about it and doing it all over again from scratch so people can live it with us and if they choose to experience it first hand. So stay tuned for news on when this will start which will be soon, because we do not plan on staying in beta mode for very long.
In conclusion is live up and running. We hope you will make good use of the sources and information it contains. We also are counting on our readers to spread the word about what we do so as many people as possible can learn about this and take advantage of this opportunity. Please share our sources, articles and reviews with as many people as you can. We would be very grateful.
It is our hope that eventually we will transform into a movement for good, setting people free financially so we all can live the life we deserve.
Thank you for reading this, enjoy your stay!
Team Buzzbookmarks
Disclaimer: Even though we go through great lenghts to provide you with the best sources to obtain crypto currency for free and , we can never give you any guarantees. We use the sources listed here on this website ourselves and we are getting paid every time and we do what we can to root out the scams, but we do advise you to follow these best practises